
Om vädret tillåter åker jag tillbaka redan i helgen :)
Hej hej! Hoppas du får en bra torsdag :)
Haha, jag kom och tänka på dig igår faktiskt :) Spelade super mario bros och kom till bossen för första gången. Trodde att det var skeppet och tänkte "is that all?"... sen ser jag bowser slottet och man dödar han så lätt, ja tänkte igen "jaha? så enkelt?"...
hahaha untill the biiig freakin bowser kom... ooh!
hoppas allt är bra med dig!! :)
/ Vesna
Det där såg riktigt mysigt ut!
Brahmi- the easiest way to enhance your memory and mental skills is by taking Mother Nature gift to mankind i.e. bacopa or brahmi. One of the biggest asserts to mankind is brahmi or more commonly known as Bacopa monnieri. Brahmi is traditionally a brain and nervine revitalize that helps in improving the mental condition and basic intelligence. Blessed with the benediction of ayurveda, bhrami is widely used in ayurvedic subsystem of medicine to assist in raising mental acuity and to support processes indulged in relaxation and peace of mind. Bacopa helps in rejuvenating brain tissues and cells thereby retarding the mental sickness and aging disorders. Studies have shown that by regular use of brahmi one can improves ones performance in mental skills, increase the intelligence level, promote longitivity, retards stress, improves concentration levels and betters the retention power. Bacopa has been widely used in preparing brain tonics and is the part of most prestigious brain supplement “Memocare”.